There is no debate
that this winter has been one of the most extreme on record. Record cold
temperatures and snowfall have occurred across North
America . The pertinent question though, is what does this mean for
my greens?
Bentgrass greens are still in a safe range
and the main factor that could affect turf loss is freezing/thawing cycles as
this weather warms up. Poa annua greens are, for many Ontario superintendents, approaching a
critical time frame for continuous ice cover. We won't know for sure the extent
of damage until the spring warmth thaws things out. With this looming disaster,
now is the time to develop a proactive plan to remove ice and have a recovery
program if damage has occurred.
Many superintendents are dealing with layers
of snow, ice, snow, ice and more ice. The current cold allows machinery to
safely remove all but the lowest ice layer safely. Utilise a tractor, snow
blower or hand shovels, but get the cover cleared so the ice against the turf
can be tackled as things begin to warm.
Once the snow and mid layer ice has been
removed, apply 10-20 lbs/1000 Sustane 6-3-3. This is a composted product and
does a better job absorbing sunlight and heat energy while being completely
safe for turfgrass. Any product that remains on the turf will stimulate spring
recovery and add humus and nutrients to the soil. It is imperative this is done
prior to a sunny day. Results are not as good if the weather is cloudy.
The Sustane will melt and perforate the ice,
allowing for removal of water and loose ice. Use a squeegee or shop vac for
water and plastic hand shovels to remove ice. Make sure you have made some
drainage channels to allow water to flow away from the green surface during the
day, rather than puddling and freezing at night. Also be cognisant of causing any physical damage to the newly
exposed turf. Be gentle with shovels and foot traffic. Remember, the turf is at
its most fragile at the end of the winter.
There is an added benefit of this process;
if turf loss occurs you will have an answer for green’s committee members who
ask "what did you do to prevent this death?"
The looming spring weather doesn't look
good. The Great Lakes have record ice cover
and will act as a giant air conditioner well into early summer. This may have a
profound impact on recovery of damaged turf. Growth will be slow and seed
germination a challenge. So what options are there for recovery?
New turf can only come from seed or sod.
Weak turf can only be stimulated with warmth and nutrients. That's the basic
facts. With this in mind here a few suggestions:
For weak turf apply Grigg Brothers
NutriGreen 5-10-5 and Ultraplex to stimulate plant respiration and
photosynthesis. Covering with a Hinsperger perforated 12 yr radiant green cover
can stimulate warmth. For damaged turf areas utilise your nursery with square
plugging tools from Standard and Miltona that transfer the rootzone along with
the turf. If no nursery is available consider sodding but be prepared to do
some extra maintenance to keep it healthy through September. Regular mini-tine
aeration, extra wetting agents and careful mowing height decisions are
Seeding is an option when combined with
mini-tine aeration, deep verticutting, and a quality over-seeder. Temperatures
will dictate success so plan on using Hinsperger 12yr radiant covers or
delaying the process until late May/June. Regular foliar applications will help
the young seedlings have more vigour.
The decisions you make over the next 4 weeks
may greatly influence the success of greens survival. Budget and proper
information to your boards will dictate the success and speed of recovery if
turf damage does occur. Talk to us at Allturf for more feedback and budgeting
details. we have the experience both as sales reps and greenskeepers.
Good Luck
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