Monday, March 17, 2014


There is no debate that this winter has been one of the most extreme on record. Record cold temperatures and snowfall have occurred across North America. The pertinent question though, is what does this mean for my greens?

   Bentgrass greens are still in a safe range and the main factor that could affect turf loss is freezing/thawing cycles as this weather warms up. Poa annua greens are, for many Ontario superintendents, approaching a critical time frame for continuous ice cover. We won't know for sure the extent of damage until the spring warmth thaws things out. With this looming disaster, now is the time to develop a proactive plan to remove ice and have a recovery program if damage has occurred.

   Many superintendents are dealing with layers of snow, ice, snow, ice and more ice. The current cold allows machinery to safely remove all but the lowest ice layer safely. Utilise a tractor, snow blower or hand shovels, but get the cover cleared so the ice against the turf can be tackled as things begin to warm.

   Once the snow and mid layer ice has been removed, apply 10-20 lbs/1000 Sustane 6-3-3. This is a composted product and does a better job absorbing sunlight and heat energy while being completely safe for turfgrass. Any product that remains on the turf will stimulate spring recovery and add humus and nutrients to the soil. It is imperative this is done prior to a sunny day. Results are not as good if the weather is cloudy.

   The Sustane will melt and perforate the ice, allowing for removal of water and loose ice. Use a squeegee or shop vac for water and plastic hand shovels to remove ice. Make sure you have made some drainage channels to allow water to flow away from the green surface during the day, rather than puddling and freezing at night. Also be cognisant of  causing any physical damage to the newly exposed turf. Be gentle with shovels and foot traffic. Remember, the turf is at its most fragile at the end of the winter.

   There is an added benefit of this process; if turf loss occurs you will have an answer for green’s committee members who ask "what did you do to prevent this death?"

   The looming spring weather doesn't look good. The Great Lakes have record ice cover and will act as a giant air conditioner well into early summer. This may have a profound impact on recovery of damaged turf. Growth will be slow and seed germination a challenge. So what options are there for recovery?

   New turf can only come from seed or sod. Weak turf can only be stimulated with warmth and nutrients. That's the basic facts. With this in mind here a few suggestions:

   For weak turf apply Grigg Brothers NutriGreen 5-10-5 and Ultraplex to stimulate plant respiration and photosynthesis. Covering with a Hinsperger perforated 12 yr radiant green cover can stimulate warmth. For damaged turf areas utilise your nursery with square plugging tools from Standard and Miltona that transfer the rootzone along with the turf. If no nursery is available consider sodding but be prepared to do some extra maintenance to keep it healthy through September. Regular mini-tine aeration, extra wetting agents and careful mowing height decisions are critical.

   Seeding is an option when combined with mini-tine aeration, deep verticutting, and a quality over-seeder. Temperatures will dictate success so plan on using Hinsperger 12yr radiant covers or delaying the process until late May/June. Regular foliar applications will help the young seedlings have more vigour.

   The decisions you make over the next 4 weeks may greatly influence the success of greens survival. Budget and proper information to your boards will dictate the success and speed of recovery if turf damage does occur. Talk to us at Allturf for more feedback and budgeting details. we have the experience both as sales reps and greenskeepers.

Good Luck

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Summer Stress? BRING IT ON!

As the calendar pages turn to June the toughest part of the turf season looms for Superintendents.  It’s the famous 90 days that turf managers earn their money. Keeping fine turf alive and healthy through heat, disease and traffic stress in the peak of the golf season takes planning, multiple maintenance practices and experienced decision making.  Here are a few key points to keep in mind as the summer stress starts to build.

1.      Excess water can kill just as easily as extreme drought. Proper water management is tied to turf needs of course but also humidity and temperature levels. When dry and low humidity, soak dry spots thoroughly to depth of roots using wetting agent pucks attached to hoses. If humidity levels are high keep the water off, or apply a quick spritz to temporarily cool the area. Use a soil probe to physically check the soil moisture at root depth, or a digital moisture sensor for exact percentage moisture content. Sometimes all that’s needed is some air flow over the turf to create transpiration and thus water uptake. A portable blower works fine. As my old boss Gordon used to say “more grass is lost on Sunday afternoons than any other time”, be diligent.

2.      Roots need oxygen and a way to dissipate harmful CO2, methane, and other gasses. Plan to regularly needle tine greens to allow proper gas exchange and enhance water movement into the root zone. Today’s tine manufacturers offer many sizes and styles that are golfer friendly and accomplish this much needed process. On heavy soils in high temperatures a weekly venting will go a long way to saving your turf.

3.      Proper fertilization practices that match the turf needs and growing conditions are critical. Most fertilizer burning, striping and specking occur during the summer stress periods. Consider doing only liquid or foliar applications to reduce this risk. Put the emphasis on nutrients other than nitrogen. Low N with higher potassium, also including magnesium, zinc and calcium help the plant keep up with the biochemical processes that build plant tissue and keep it healthy.  Enhance these applications with elicitor products like phosphites, carboxylic acids, sugars, amino acids and biostimulants. Roots struggle to stay active this time of year so a good quality foliar product ensures plant uptake and utilization of nutrients. Many granular products do not give a good return on their cost during the high stress months.  

4.      Topdressing and/or verticutting programs can cause severe damage during high temperature days. Dragging top dressing over fine turf strips the protective coating from leaf tissue and can enhance moisture loss and drought stress symptoms later in the day. Verticutting opens wounds that also cause moisture loss and can be entry points for summer diseases. Discontinue both practices until temperatures drop below 27C and even then pay special attention to changing water needs after these maintenance practices. Another alternative is to follow light topdressing with a vibratory roller and syringe with some water.

5.      Mower blades that are not set up precisely, or are dull, will cause tearing of the leaf blades and more damaged surface area that the plant needs to repair. Moisture loss increases and plant energy is wasted on healing rather than growth and resisting disease. Be extra diligent in grinding and sharpening if necessary; and setting up greens mowers on a daily basis. Consider raising mowing heights, (better slow than dead), and skipping mowing at least once a week and roll instead to reduce stress.

6.      Keep your staff and turf healthy. A burned out staff makes mistakes, misses visual cues, and is hard to manage. Encourage extra sunscreen, hats and brief cool down breaks in the afternoon. Remind them to drink lots of water from coolers while working and find shade when waiting on golfers. A ten minute break in the A/C every hour will pay dividends to you in better quality work during the summer stress period. Discuss a proper preventative fungicide program with your local technical representative. Be aware of potential disease and the best products to apply in advance of the outbreaks. It’s much cheaper and easier to protect turf at this time, than to try to get it recovering from damage.

When these practices are implemented and adhered to, the chance of lost turf drops dramatically as does the stress level on the superintendent.  Summer stress??? Bring it on!!!

For more information on products discussed visit or call 1-800-263-4845


Let us Facilitate Your Meeting & Remove The Stress!

We will:

  • Book meeting facility
  • Invite mandated participants
  • Collect and organize your data
  • Organize and facilitate meeting
  • Present your club as a responsible, compliant, and caring member of the community
  • Provide a professional knowledgeable presenter
  • Provide a meeting summary report and suggestions for the following year
  • Incorporate a positive IPM message
  • Create an opportunity to promote your course

You will:

  • Save valuable time
  • Improve your image with your neighbours and the public
  • Eliminate public presentation stress
  • Know that your IPM commitment is met
  • Be able to focus on your core tasks
  • Be compliant and avoid any potential penalties

Your Neighbours will:

  • Get answers to their questions
  • Understand that you are applying chemicals appropriately and responsibly
  • Understand that golf courses are good for the environment (and their property values)

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